A few blocks down from my house our neighbors are painting their house a very bright green color. For some reason it reminds me of "mint chocolate chip", my favorite ice-cream flavor. Yummy in the tummy, not so much on the street.
Across the street from us, a Spanish style house's exterior is being painted grey...like concrete only uglier. But why? 5alti you have such good taste why would u do that..?!(They also have my dream car(s)..Allah ihaneeehum.)
Two streets away from us, there's a blue house. A blue house that shimmers. Ding dong, Madonna called, she wants her 80's eyeshadow back. And I can't make this crap up, they have a matching car parked outside at all times (I'm not kidding, its an older Mercedes Benz).
Anyway I'm convinced the two freshly painted houses are painted with primers only and a top coat will happen soon. My father disagrees, he thinks the ugly is the topcoat.
No matter which way I choose exit my area, I get the urge to poke my eyes out. Lord grant me patience (and an ipod and eternal bliss..).
We need us some color Po'lice. "Sir step away from the house and put your paintbrush down. You have the right to paint your house with non-nasty colors, any bright color you use will be held against you in the court of public opinion. If you cannot afford to buy eye-pleasing colors your neighbors will buy some for you." (wai3 ilmala8a..ur still reading..?! u deserve eternal bliss for putting up with my crap.)
I kid. Everyone's entitled to having a hideous colored house if that's what they really want. At the rate real estate prices in Kuwait are increasing, if I were ever to be lucky enough to own a house in Kuwait I'd paint it all the colors of the spectrum just 'cause I can.
(A house across the street from my parents is going for a little under $2 million, it hasn't been lived in for 15 years or more. So you're paying over one million dollars for a heap of trash.)
So no I don't see any rainbow colored houses in the near future.
Hey look what I found!

"Colourful House In Sandringham Road London E8" (courtesy Calistobreeze, flickr).
the pic is funny!! how about painting each block with a different color :D
btw are u in Kuwait or elsewhere?
I know! Its soo cute...I'd never be sad in a house like that.
Yeah, I'm definitely living in Kuwait (two streets down from a very blue house.)
so i am living two blocks down from Sheikh Sabah's house :P is that enough too :D
my god tell me about it!!!
i want to knock on doors and say WHY people WHYYY!!!!
there is no way possible they think the colors are pretty, ymkin they paint em expecting something oo it turns out uglier than ugly and be like its too expensive to paint em over .
as for the prices!!! shay moo 6abe3ee!!
my god tell me about it!!!
i want to knock on doors and say WHY people WHYYY!!!!
there is no way possible they think the colors are pretty, ymkin they paint em expecting something oo it turns out uglier than ugly and be like its too expensive to paint em over .
as for the prices!!! shay moo 6abe3ee!!
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