28 March 2010

Someone's on a hiring spree!

I came across this while I was browsing through the interwebs today.

Kuwait has a new vision. It will provide the foundation for future development, maximising the potential of its people, its wealth and its rich heritage. Fundamental to its success will be the development of a world-class team prepared to shape a new governance organisation built upon international best practices (found here)

The job openings are for: Deputy Director Public Services, Deputy Director Education, Deputy Director Public Services-Strategy Unity, Deputy Director Sector Development-Strategy Unit

There are also Strategic Communication and Communication positions open if you're interested.

The Kuwaiti government, most likely the Prime Minister's Diwan, is on a hiring spree. Hiring expats to come set us straight. This is a good thing! They realize they're in trouble, and the Prime Minister needs all the help he can get. But it also reeks of internalized colonization, "SAVE US OH GREAT WHITE MAN!"

At least they're admitting they're clueless and that's the first step in recovery. There's several openings and they only require 10 years of experience. Apply now! Excellent Tax Free Packages!

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