03 August 2007

17 years ago yesterday...

Internet was not very cooperative yesterday, so, this post is a day late :(

Yesterday, August 2, 2007 marks the 17th anniversary of Saddam's invasion and occupation of Kuwait. To honor of all those who died, went missing, and those who survived it as well GE&B presents you with sounds and sights that will take us back to 1990-1991 . (I always get choked up when I see these.)

(I apologize for the bad audio.)

and for kicks:

(I remember as a kid begging my mom to grow my hair out to elfa7 like the girl in the front. I so wanted to be her!)

Although I believe that as a country/people we need to move on but we also need to make sure to remember the feeling of loss we had to be able to appreciate Kuwait more. In honor of those who died for this country, we need to live for this country.

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