Notice how I managed to post for awhile now without mentioning Minister of Education Nouriya Al-Sabeeh's grilling.
"My Eye is Cold on Me"--->3aini 3ala Nafsi Barda.
I can't not mention it at all. Today I read طاخ طيخ: يوم مشهود">, Killa Ma6goog's post on the issue, it's great. Read it. It's all I would've said for the most part, only with a clearer head.
I'm not for canonizing Nouriya, nor did I support her just because she's a woman, but the whole interpellation (that's a real world. Blogger's vocabulary is limited.) was silly. MP's are flexing their arms, while the whole government ducks...errr NO. Nouriya called the MP's bluff. "You got nothing! BoooooYa!" (picture Nouriya screaming boooooYa while running and high-fiving ministers....hehehe I'm hilARious!)
My hangups about this whole situation were:
1) I wondered had Nouriya been bedouin, affliated with the conservatives, or shia would the liberals have cared? She's rich, Kuwaiti "bourgeois" and not bedouin. (I understand the situation would be different...but with all things considered if a "decent" minister was challenged by hooligans would they have gotten all up in arms about it ?! I doubt it.)
The other thing that cracked me up was all the ASK students outside the parliament...I graduated from an American school and I KNOW how uninvolved in Kuwaiti politics they are and remain to what was that..?! Oh and the half page advert by the student unions at private universities?!! who paid for that..(that's over $12,000) ??!! (yes, the NUKS-Kuwait's silence was disgraceful but not surprising)
The irony is the same people who call the NUKS-Kuwait branch "politicized" are politicized students themselves. Now pot, quit calling kettle black.
I was/am with Nouriya but you have to wonder.
Back to regular programming: "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands :D"
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