06 June 2010

I've had nothing to say (that could not be said on twitter) for almost two months now. I don't want my blog to be all politics all the time. Since that's what has been on my mind for awhile, I stopped blogging. Oh well.

In other news, Glitter has tagged me in an internet meme. Since I have nothing better to do, I'm gonna do it.

قوانين التاج السلطاني

اذكر اسم من طلب منك حل هذا الواجب
تحدث عن ستة أسرار قد لا يكتشفها من يقابلك للمرة الأولى
حول هذا الواجب إلى ستة مدونين، واذكر أسماءهم مع روابط مدوناتهم في موضوعك
اترك تعليقا في مدونة من حولت الواجب إليهم، ليعلموا عن هذا الواجب

Six secrets:
1) I've had a close friend get mad at me for not sharing my secrets with her. I don't really have many secrets.
2) I hate how cynical I am of the world. I want to be one of those really earnest people I scoff at.
3) I find most bloggers vapid. (please see #2)
4) I've caught too many people lying online, now I'm obsessed with being authentic.
5) I love my voice. I'm a pretty small woman but I have a very clear authoritative voice.
6) I was supposed to be on the Mavi Marmara. I got a nasty infection two days before my flight to Istanbul.

Sorry, I won't be tagging others to do this. By all means, link back if you saw this here and decided to do it.


Manal said...

احب البساطة فيج حتى في الرد

صحيح ما قل ودل

الاغلب يكتب موضوع كبير لكل سؤال وانت غير

G said...

@Manal :)